If you have SSH, Shell access the following commands should be able to be run from the command line to reset all your files and directories back to the server defaults of 755 and 644.
Change directory in to the top directory (" / ") of your Joomla! installation, then run these;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
If you only have FTP access, this can be a very time consuming job, however, unless you changed more directories during the installation that was requested, you should only need to reset about 10 directories and the configuration.php file.
Keep in mind that to install any extensions or templates after the actual Joomla! installation you may need to elevate the default permissions again on the appropriate directories just for the installation period, you may then demote them again after the add-on is installed.
If you decide to use "cache" the cache directory will need to be "Writable" to the Web-Server user to allow it to write its temporary files.
Once you have completed the installation, next thing to do is read Ron Liskey's "Joomla! Admins Security Checklist". I am sure you will find much of the security information that you will need in this post and the Security Forum.
Joomla! Admins Security Checklist
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How do I embed picasaweb albums on my website?
Here is how to embed picasaweb on your website:
//requestVars start
* @author Jesse Berman
* @copyright 2008-01-31
* @version 1.0
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
* Portions by Dieter Raber
* copyright 2004-12-27
/* pwa.js: a drop-in JavaScript utility that displays galleries from picasaweb.google.com in your website */
/* NOTE: This version hides all the link-backs to Picasa */
/* This JavaScript file, when called from a webpage, will load all the thumbnail images of all the galleries
in a user's Picasa Web Albums account into an HTML table that's 4 rows wide. Clicking on any of the
galleries will display thumbnails of all the photos in that gallery, and clicking on any of those thumbnails
will display the photo.
To call this file from your own webpage, use the following syntax:
Make sure you change YourPicasawebUsername to your actual Picasaweb username. For more information about
Picasa, check out picasaweb.google.com. Also, www.yoursite.com should point to your actual site name, and
the location of the pwa.js file. The script looks for the images back.jpg, next.jpg, and home.jpg, in the
same directory as pwa.js, to create the navigation arrows. Please make sure those exist! I'm providing
samples in the SourceForce repository, but feel free to substitute your own.
Note: "Photosize" is the size of the image to be displayed when viewing single images. I like 800. :-)
Note: "columns" is the number of columns of photos to be displayed on your site in the gallery and album views.
You may omit either of these values; if you do, the default settings are 800 for photosize and 4 for columns.
function readGet(){var _GET = new Array();var uriStr = window.location.href.replace(/&/g, '&');var paraArr, paraSplit;if(uriStr.indexOf('?') > -1){var uriArr = uriStr.split('?');var paraStr = uriArr[1];}else{return _GET;}if(paraStr.indexOf('&') > -1){paraArr = paraStr.split('&');}else{paraArr = new Array(paraStr);}for(var i = 0; i < paraArr.length; i++){paraArr[i] = paraArr[i].indexOf('=') > -1 ? paraArr[i] : paraArr[i] + '=';paraSplit = paraArr[i].split('=');_GET[paraSplit[0]] = decodeURI(paraSplit[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));}return _GET;}var _GET = readGet();
//requestVars end
function resize(which, max) {
// not used anymore! was scaling photos after they were loaded. using browser-native inline scaling instead,
// until google fixes their image size request to work with any imgmax, rather than just 800 :-(
var elem = document.getElementById(which);
if (elem == undefined || elem == null) return false;
if (max == undefined) max = 658;
if (elem.width > elem.height) {
if (elem.width > max) elem.width = max;
} else {
if (elem.height > max) elem.height = max;
//$Update: May 10, 2007$
function $(a){document.write(a);}
var photosize;
if(!photosize){photosize = 800;}
var columns;
if(!columns || isNaN(columns) || columns < 1) {columns = 4;}
//Global variables
var photolist = new Array(); //this is used globally to store the entire list of photos in a given album, rather than pass the list around in a URL (which was getting rediculously long as a result)
var album_name = ""; //this is used globally to store the album name, so we don't have to pass it around in the URL anymore either.
var my_numpics = ""; //this is used globally to store the number of items in a particular album, so we don't have to pass it around in the URL anymore either.
var prev = ""; //used in the navigation arrows when viewing a single item
var next = "";//used in the navigation arrows when viewing a single item
function picasaweb(j){ //returns the list of all albums for the user
function getphotolist(j){
// This function is called just before displaying an item; it returns info about the item's current state within its parent
// album, such as the name of the album it's in, the index of the photo in that album, and the IDs of the previous and next
// photos in that album (so we can link to them using navigation arrows). This way we don't have to pass state information
// around in the URL, which was resulting in hellishly long URLs (sometimes causing "URI too long" errors on some servers).
// Get the number of pictures in the album. Added 7/18/2007.
my_numpics = j.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
// Also get the name of the album, so we don't have to pass that around either. Added 7/18/2007.
album_name = j.feed.title.$t;
for(i=0;i // get the list of all photos referenced in the album and display;
// also stored in an array (photoids) for navigation in the photo view (passed via the URL)
var id_begin = j.feed.entry[i].id.$t.indexOf('photoid/')+8;
var id_end = j.feed.entry[i].id.$t.indexOf('?');
var id_base = j.feed.entry[i].id.$t.slice(id_begin, id_end);
// now get previous and next photos relative to the photo we're currently viewing
if (i>0)
var prev_begin = j.feed.entry[i-1].id.$t.indexOf('photoid/')+8;
var prev_end = j.feed.entry[i-1].id.$t.indexOf('?');
prev = j.feed.entry[i-1].id.$t.slice(id_begin, id_end);
if (i {
var next_begin = j.feed.entry[i+1].id.$t.indexOf('photoid/')+8;
var next_end = j.feed.entry[i+1].id.$t.indexOf('?');
next = j.feed.entry[i+1].id.$t.slice(id_begin, id_end);
function albums(j){ //returns all photos in a specific album
//get the number of photos in the album
var np = j.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
var item_plural = "s";
if (np == "1") { item_plural = ""; }
var album_begin = j.feed.entry[0].summary.$t.indexOf('href="')+6;
var album_end = j.feed.entry[0].summary.$t.indexOf('/photo#');
var album_link = j.feed.entry[0].summary.$t.slice(album_begin, album_end);
var photoids = new Array();
function photo(j){//returns exactly one photo
var album_begin = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('href="')+6;
var album_end = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('/photo#');
var album_link = j.entry.summary.$t.slice(album_begin, album_end);
var img_title = j.entry.title.$t;
//get the dimensions of the photo we're grabbing; if it's smaller than our max width, there's no need to scale it up.
var img_width = j.entry.media$group.media$content[0].width;
var img_height = j.entry.media$group.media$content[0].height;
var img_base = j.entry.media$group.media$content[0].url;
// is this a video? If so, we will display that in the breadcrumbs below.
var is_video = 0;
if (j.entry.media$group.media$content.length > 1)
//$('This is a '+j.entry.media$group.media$content[1].medium+'.
if (j.entry.media$group.media$content[1].medium == "video")
is_video = 1;
var photo_begin = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('href="')+6;
var photo_end = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('">
var photo_link = j.entry.summary.$t.slice(photo_begin, photo_end);
var photo_id = _GET['photoid'];
//album name is now taken from the global variable instead. 7/18/2007
//var album_name_begin = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf(username)+username.length+1;
//var album_name_end = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('/photo#');
//var album_name = j.entry.summary.$t.slice(album_name_begin, album_name_end);
var album_id = _GET['albumid'];
var my_next = next;
var my_prev = prev;
var photo_array = photolist;
//var my_numpics = _GET['np'];
//instead, we now get this through the global variable my_numpics. 7/18/2007
//$("photo ids: "+_GET['photoids']+".
//$("photolist: "+photo_array+".
//var my_galleryname = _GET['galleryname'];
//var my_fixed_galleryname = my_galleryname.slice(1, my_galleryname.length-1);
var my_galleryname = album_name;
var my_fixed_galleryname = album_name;
var album_base_path = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname +"?albumid="+ _GET['albumid'];
// Get the filename for display in the breadcrumbs
var LastSlash = 0;
var img_filename = img_title;
for(i=0;i if (img_base.charAt(i)=="/")
LastSlash = i;
if (LastSlash != 0)
img_filename = img_base.slice(LastSlash+1, img_base.length);
// replace some commonly-used URL characters like %20
img_filename = img_filename.replace("%20"," ");
img_filename = img_filename.replace("%22","\"");
img_filename = img_filename.replace("%27","\'");
//find preceding two and following two pictures in the array; used for the navigation arrows.
//the arrows are already linked to the previous and next pics, which were passed in with the URL.
//however, we need the ones that are two behind and two ahead so that we can pass that info along when we link to another photo.
//NOTE: as of 7/16/2007, the photo array is taken from global photolist (loaded in the getphotolist function) rather than from the URL.
//This has eliminated the need for really long URLs, which were hitting up against the URL length limit in some extreme cases.
for(i=0;i if (photo_array[i]==photo_id)
var p1 = photo_array[i-1]; //ID of the picture one behind this one; if null, we're at the beginning of the album
var current_index = i + 1; //this is the count of the current photo
var n1 = photo_array[i+1]; //ID of the picture one ahead of this one; if null, we're at the end of the album
//these will be passed along if we move to the next or previous photo - removed the gallery name 7/18/2007
//var prev = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + p1 + "&np=" + my_numpics + "&galleryname=" + my_galleryname.replace("'","%27") + "&prev="+p2+ "&next="+photo_id; //+"&photoids="+photo_array;
//var next = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + n1 + "&np=" + my_numpics + "&galleryname=" + my_galleryname.replace("'","%27") + "&prev="+photo_id+ "&next="+n2; //+"&photoids="+photo_array;
var prev = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + p1; //+"&photoids="+photo_array;
var next = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + n1; //+"&photoids="+photo_array;
//Display the breadcrumbs
var my_item_plural = "";
if (my_numpics != 1)
my_item_plural = "s";
var item_label = "picture";
var item_label_caps = "Picture";
if (is_video == 1) //if it's a video, don't say it's a picture, say it's an "item" instead
item_label = "item";
item_label_caps = "Item";
//if (photo_array.length == 1) { var current_index_text = "Total of " + my_numpics + " " + item_label + my_item_plural; } else { var current_index_text = item_label_caps + " " + current_index + " of " + my_numpics; }
var current_index_text = item_label_caps + " " + current_index + " of " + my_numpics;
if (is_video == 1) { current_index_text = current_index_text + " [VIDEO]"; } //show in the breadcrumbs that the item is a video
if (p1 == null) //we're at the first picture in the album; going back takes us to the album index
{ var prev = album_base_path }
if (n1 == null) //we're at the last picture in the album; going forward takes us to the album index
{ var next = album_base_path }
//the navigation panel: back, home, and next.
var max_width = 658; //max width for our photos
var display_width = max_width;
if (img_width < display_width)
{ display_width = img_width; } //don't scale up photos that are narrower than our max width; disable this to set all photos to max width
//at long last, display the image and its description. photos larger than max_width are scaled down; smaller ones are left alone
$("
//now we will trap left and right arrow keys so we can scroll through the photos with a single keypress ;-) JMB 7/5/2007
// an attempt at resampling the photo, rather than relying on the browser's internal resize function. doesn't work, unfortunately.
//$(" //$("$ratio_orig = $width_orig/$height_orig; if ($width/$height > $ratio_orig) { $width = $height*$ratio_orig; } else { $height = $width/$ratio_orig; } ");
//$("$image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); ");
//$("imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width_orig, $height_orig); imagejpeg($image_p, null, 100); ?>");
$('');//get the list of photos in the album and put it in the global "photolist" array so we can properly display the navigation arrows; this eliminates the need for really long URLs :-) 7/16/2007
}else if(_GET['albumid']&&!_GET['photoid']){
//$Update: January 31, 2008$
//requestVars start
* @author Jesse Berman
* @copyright 2008-01-31
* @version 1.0
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
* Portions by Dieter Raber
* copyright 2004-12-27
/* pwa.js: a drop-in JavaScript utility that displays galleries from picasaweb.google.com in your website */
/* NOTE: This version hides all the link-backs to Picasa */
/* This JavaScript file, when called from a webpage, will load all the thumbnail images of all the galleries
in a user's Picasa Web Albums account into an HTML table that's 4 rows wide. Clicking on any of the
galleries will display thumbnails of all the photos in that gallery, and clicking on any of those thumbnails
will display the photo.
To call this file from your own webpage, use the following syntax:
Make sure you change YourPicasawebUsername to your actual Picasaweb username. For more information about
Picasa, check out picasaweb.google.com. Also, www.yoursite.com should point to your actual site name, and
the location of the pwa.js file. The script looks for the images back.jpg, next.jpg, and home.jpg, in the
same directory as pwa.js, to create the navigation arrows. Please make sure those exist! I'm providing
samples in the SourceForce repository, but feel free to substitute your own.
Note: "Photosize" is the size of the image to be displayed when viewing single images. I like 800. :-)
Note: "columns" is the number of columns of photos to be displayed on your site in the gallery and album views.
You may omit either of these values; if you do, the default settings are 800 for photosize and 4 for columns.
function readGet(){var _GET = new Array();var uriStr = window.location.href.replace(/&/g, '&');var paraArr, paraSplit;if(uriStr.indexOf('?') > -1){var uriArr = uriStr.split('?');var paraStr = uriArr[1];}else{return _GET;}if(paraStr.indexOf('&') > -1){paraArr = paraStr.split('&');}else{paraArr = new Array(paraStr);}for(var i = 0; i < paraArr.length; i++){paraArr[i] = paraArr[i].indexOf('=') > -1 ? paraArr[i] : paraArr[i] + '=';paraSplit = paraArr[i].split('=');_GET[paraSplit[0]] = decodeURI(paraSplit[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));}return _GET;}var _GET = readGet();
//requestVars end
function resize(which, max) {
// not used anymore! was scaling photos after they were loaded. using browser-native inline scaling instead,
// until google fixes their image size request to work with any imgmax, rather than just 800 :-(
var elem = document.getElementById(which);
if (elem == undefined || elem == null) return false;
if (max == undefined) max = 658;
if (elem.width > elem.height) {
if (elem.width > max) elem.width = max;
} else {
if (elem.height > max) elem.height = max;
//$Update: May 10, 2007$
function $(a){document.write(a);}
var photosize;
if(!photosize){photosize = 800;}
var columns;
if(!columns || isNaN(columns) || columns < 1) {columns = 4;}
//Global variables
var photolist = new Array(); //this is used globally to store the entire list of photos in a given album, rather than pass the list around in a URL (which was getting rediculously long as a result)
var album_name = ""; //this is used globally to store the album name, so we don't have to pass it around in the URL anymore either.
var my_numpics = ""; //this is used globally to store the number of items in a particular album, so we don't have to pass it around in the URL anymore either.
var prev = ""; //used in the navigation arrows when viewing a single item
var next = "";//used in the navigation arrows when viewing a single item
function picasaweb(j){ //returns the list of all albums for the user
Gallery Home
$(" | ");
function getphotolist(j){
// This function is called just before displaying an item; it returns info about the item's current state within its parent
// album, such as the name of the album it's in, the index of the photo in that album, and the IDs of the previous and next
// photos in that album (so we can link to them using navigation arrows). This way we don't have to pass state information
// around in the URL, which was resulting in hellishly long URLs (sometimes causing "URI too long" errors on some servers).
// Get the number of pictures in the album. Added 7/18/2007.
my_numpics = j.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
// Also get the name of the album, so we don't have to pass that around either. Added 7/18/2007.
album_name = j.feed.title.$t;
// also stored in an array (photoids) for navigation in the photo view (passed via the URL)
var id_begin = j.feed.entry[i].id.$t.indexOf('photoid/')+8;
var id_end = j.feed.entry[i].id.$t.indexOf('?');
var id_base = j.feed.entry[i].id.$t.slice(id_begin, id_end);
// now get previous and next photos relative to the photo we're currently viewing
if (i>0)
var prev_begin = j.feed.entry[i-1].id.$t.indexOf('photoid/')+8;
var prev_end = j.feed.entry[i-1].id.$t.indexOf('?');
prev = j.feed.entry[i-1].id.$t.slice(id_begin, id_end);
if (i
var next_begin = j.feed.entry[i+1].id.$t.indexOf('photoid/')+8;
var next_end = j.feed.entry[i+1].id.$t.indexOf('?');
next = j.feed.entry[i+1].id.$t.slice(id_begin, id_end);
function albums(j){ //returns all photos in a specific album
//get the number of photos in the album
var np = j.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t;
var item_plural = "s";
if (np == "1") { item_plural = ""; }
var album_begin = j.feed.entry[0].summary.$t.indexOf('href="')+6;
var album_end = j.feed.entry[0].summary.$t.indexOf('/photo#');
var album_link = j.feed.entry[0].summary.$t.slice(album_begin, album_end);
var photoids = new Array();
Gallery Home > "+ j.feed.title.$t +" ["+np+" item"+item_plural+"]
function photo(j){//returns exactly one photo
var album_begin = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('href="')+6;
var album_end = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('/photo#');
var album_link = j.entry.summary.$t.slice(album_begin, album_end);
var img_title = j.entry.title.$t;
//get the dimensions of the photo we're grabbing; if it's smaller than our max width, there's no need to scale it up.
var img_width = j.entry.media$group.media$content[0].width;
var img_height = j.entry.media$group.media$content[0].height;
var img_base = j.entry.media$group.media$content[0].url;
// is this a video? If so, we will display that in the breadcrumbs below.
var is_video = 0;
if (j.entry.media$group.media$content.length > 1)
//$('This is a '+j.entry.media$group.media$content[1].medium+'.
if (j.entry.media$group.media$content[1].medium == "video")
is_video = 1;
var photo_begin = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('href="')+6;
var photo_end = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('">
var photo_id = _GET['photoid'];
//album name is now taken from the global variable instead. 7/18/2007
//var album_name_begin = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf(username)+username.length+1;
//var album_name_end = j.entry.summary.$t.indexOf('/photo#');
//var album_name = j.entry.summary.$t.slice(album_name_begin, album_name_end);
var album_id = _GET['albumid'];
var my_next = next;
var my_prev = prev;
var photo_array = photolist;
//var my_numpics = _GET['np'];
//instead, we now get this through the global variable my_numpics. 7/18/2007
//$("photo ids: "+_GET['photoids']+".
//$("photolist: "+photo_array+".
//var my_galleryname = _GET['galleryname'];
//var my_fixed_galleryname = my_galleryname.slice(1, my_galleryname.length-1);
var my_galleryname = album_name;
var my_fixed_galleryname = album_name;
var album_base_path = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname+window.location.pathname +"?albumid="+ _GET['albumid'];
// Get the filename for display in the breadcrumbs
var LastSlash = 0;
var img_filename = img_title;
LastSlash = i;
if (LastSlash != 0)
img_filename = img_base.slice(LastSlash+1, img_base.length);
// replace some commonly-used URL characters like %20
img_filename = img_filename.replace("%20"," ");
img_filename = img_filename.replace("%22","\"");
img_filename = img_filename.replace("%27","\'");
//find preceding two and following two pictures in the array; used for the navigation arrows.
//the arrows are already linked to the previous and next pics, which were passed in with the URL.
//however, we need the ones that are two behind and two ahead so that we can pass that info along when we link to another photo.
//NOTE: as of 7/16/2007, the photo array is taken from global photolist (loaded in the getphotolist function) rather than from the URL.
//This has eliminated the need for really long URLs, which were hitting up against the URL length limit in some extreme cases.
var p1 = photo_array[i-1]; //ID of the picture one behind this one; if null, we're at the beginning of the album
var current_index = i + 1; //this is the count of the current photo
var n1 = photo_array[i+1]; //ID of the picture one ahead of this one; if null, we're at the end of the album
//these will be passed along if we move to the next or previous photo - removed the gallery name 7/18/2007
//var prev = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + p1 + "&np=" + my_numpics + "&galleryname=" + my_galleryname.replace("'","%27") + "&prev="+p2+ "&next="+photo_id; //+"&photoids="+photo_array;
//var next = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + n1 + "&np=" + my_numpics + "&galleryname=" + my_galleryname.replace("'","%27") + "&prev="+photo_id+ "&next="+n2; //+"&photoids="+photo_array;
var prev = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + p1; //+"&photoids="+photo_array;
var next = album_base_path + "&photoid=" + n1; //+"&photoids="+photo_array;
//Display the breadcrumbs
var my_item_plural = "";
if (my_numpics != 1)
my_item_plural = "s";
var item_label = "picture";
var item_label_caps = "Picture";
if (is_video == 1) //if it's a video, don't say it's a picture, say it's an "item" instead
item_label = "item";
item_label_caps = "Item";
//if (photo_array.length == 1) { var current_index_text = "Total of " + my_numpics + " " + item_label + my_item_plural; } else { var current_index_text = item_label_caps + " " + current_index + " of " + my_numpics; }
var current_index_text = item_label_caps + " " + current_index + " of " + my_numpics;
if (is_video == 1) { current_index_text = current_index_text + " [VIDEO]"; } //show in the breadcrumbs that the item is a video
Gallery Home > " + my_fixed_galleryname + " > " + current_index_text + "
if (p1 == null) //we're at the first picture in the album; going back takes us to the album index
{ var prev = album_base_path }
if (n1 == null) //we're at the last picture in the album; going forward takes us to the album index
{ var next = album_base_path }
//the navigation panel: back, home, and next.
![]() | "); } | ![]() | ");
![]() | "); }
var max_width = 658; //max width for our photos
var display_width = max_width;
if (img_width < display_width)
{ display_width = img_width; } //don't scale up photos that are narrower than our max width; disable this to set all photos to max width
//at long last, display the image and its description. photos larger than max_width are scaled down; smaller ones are left alone
//now we will trap left and right arrow keys so we can scroll through the photos with a single keypress ;-) JMB 7/5/2007
// an attempt at resampling the photo, rather than relying on the browser's internal resize function. doesn't work, unfortunately.
//$(" //$("$ratio_orig = $width_orig/$height_orig; if ($width/$height > $ratio_orig) { $width = $height*$ratio_orig; } else { $height = $width/$ratio_orig; } ");
//$("$image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); ");
//$("imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width_orig, $height_orig); imagejpeg($image_p, null, 100); ?>");
$('');//get the list of photos in the album and put it in the global "photolist" array so we can properly display the navigation arrows; this eliminates the need for really long URLs :-) 7/16/2007
}else if(_GET['albumid']&&!_GET['photoid']){
//$Update: January 31, 2008$
Monday, May 04, 2009
MOSS 2007 Workflow for Visual Studio 2005
To get the MOSS 2007 templates into Visual Studio 2005, you need to:
1. Install Windows for Workflow 3.0 or better (actually: Windows Workflow Foundation version 3.0.4203.2 or better). This is trouble because if you had previously installed the .net 3.0 redistributable package, it is not good enough, you need the full .net 3.0 foundation package here: The Full .Net Framework 3.0 installer package download URL : http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=70848
2. Install Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation (EN).exe
3. See Nick's article here: http://weblog.vb-tech.com/nick/archive/2006/09/04/1753.aspx
1. Install Windows for Workflow 3.0 or better (actually: Windows Workflow Foundation version 3.0.4203.2 or better). This is trouble because if you had previously installed the .net 3.0 redistributable package, it is not good enough, you need the full .net 3.0 foundation package here: The Full .Net Framework 3.0 installer package download URL : http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=70848
2. Install Visual Studio 2005 Extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation (EN).exe
3. See Nick's article here: http://weblog.vb-tech.com/nick/archive/2006/09/04/1753.aspx
MOSS 2007,
visual studio 2005,
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